Final Reflection

Final Reflection
            This project came from my head and I believed that I would have fun making and going through the process of making my portfolio. My project is a basic portfolio and it suggests games people would like based on their personalities, it will have all the kinds of personalities for example a Commander, which is someone that takes charge when its needed, and right as it is been explained, I have at least two games that I suggest that the personality might like. This project relates to my life because playing video games is one of the things I like to do and it is something I would never change in my life.
            There were many things that I had success with while I was doing this project, one of the biggest things that I was happiest about was when my pitch was reviewed and accepted. One of the other things that I found were successful was the blog, this one of those things were I thought I would not I good in but I actually did do great.
            One of the hurdles that I had, was the thing with robotics, because I had spent an enormous amount of time doing this I had not time to do any research, I am thankful though because I had a great time doing robotics but I am also glad that I did what I did for this project. One of the other hurdles that I had experienced was homework from other classes because that stuff was ridiculous, I didn’t have enough time for all this.
            The best part about this project was that I didn’t had to change my project on a grand scale, there was minor changes but I eventually adjusted to it and worked around the little inconvenience. Basically I had a good project that I could do without any troubles and I never had to stop and rethink my life and project.
            The biggest weakness of my project is that it is, itself a weak project, I feel like if I had more time I would have a more successful project that can actually do something to help the world for example feed the homeless and other things like end poverty, one other weakness that my project has is the relevance of it because some people don’t think video games are worth investing time in, and that this isn’t something anyone should care about.
            There are many things that I learned in this project, for example I learned that hard work does pay off, and that putting time and effort actually do make a difference in quality. I also learned a big thing about myself, I learned that I am a completely different person according to the internet, because I believed I had a great personality, but now I know I had an even better one.

            If I were given this assignment again I would actually choose not to do it because It does not show my full capability of work and quality. I would also try to find more time to do it because things like school and after school programs kept me from doing what I think could have been my best. One other thing I would change is the person I talked to as my expert, because it was more of a last minute thing, because I took too long to email my real expert I wanted to talk to. So in conclusion, if I were to do this project again, I think adding more time and effort would make my project more presentable.

1 comment:

  1. Next time, work on a project that will work with your time constraints... Possibly something with roboticss?
