Written Proposal

Written Proposal

Have you ever watched a movie and just looked back and said to yourself “I wish there was more”, well with a game that becomes a reality because you not only do you enjoy the story but the entertainment of playing it yourself. With Video Games, there is a wide variety of genres that suit the needs of people which include a need for joy, sadness, and thrill. For my Pv has passion project my topic will be on video games and how the emotions and personality of the individual help choose the right video game that grabs their attention and keeps them wanting more. For me choosing video games is easy because I like to play all kinds of games but for people that are starting to play this product will help them identify the game they connect with. This Topic is important to me because this is something that makes me happy and helps me get through some crazy stressful situations ranging from dealing with people to school. For this project, there are many things I hope to accomplish like understanding the thinking process of choosing a game as well as the types of personalities that people have, for example why do most teenagers play violent games and why are playing certain video games are so relaxing and helpful in everyday life.
For my project to start developing I hope to find and research how many types of genres does the video game industry have and how they are modeled around the way people think. I would also like to find the kinds of personalities my audience (Teenage Gamers) have. I will also have to do some research on how to have a successful interview with the Expert I need to sit down with. Since my topic are video games I will need to understand the industry that creates them and how they model their games around the teenagers of the generation we are living in I will also need to understand how the games are put together like the storyline of it. Another thing I will need to understand is how helpful video games are in the real world and how they can be applied to situations we encounter every day. For this project, all I know what to do is research and play the video games that I will be testing out, but for me to do further research and play them is buying them because they are sixty dollars each and that is something I don’t have available for my disposal. The most important thing that I need to know to go anywhere with my information is putting it into a document and making it into a report, I will also need to learn how to interview someone properly, for this I will either try to learn from the internet, or learn from someone that does interview regularly, and which ever I pick to do I will try to make my conversation more interactive and enjoyable.
            For my research, I plan to find it all on the internet and on books because some of the books and article are interesting and are reliable. The website I will try to focus on are the (.org, .com, .gov) for the location I will try to find all my information at home and at the school library and maybe if I need to I will go to the nearest public library. The internet sources are in my works cited.
           The book that I will use is “What Video Games have to teach us about learning and literacy” by James Paul Gee, but if the school library does not have this book, I will try to find it at a local library and if both do not have the book in stock I will buy the book online from Amazon. For the Expert that I will try to interview I will contact a man that goes by “MatPat” this man is a game theorist and he has a YouTube channel with many subscribers and I will interview him by Email if he can’t Meet me in person. The other thing that I have planned Is to email the author of the book if my first choice of expert does not get in contact with me. For me MatPat is an expert because he does research on the things he talks about and he is very respected by the YouTube community which makes him a reliable source too.
            The outcome I plan to have is more knowledge on the gaming community and more knowledge about myself, the outcome will have a product that meets the requirements and a product that many people will enjoy. At the end of my research I plan to have a product to show and I will also hope to have tackled my purpose of understanding personalities of my audience, how those personalities help influence the game chosen at the moment they buy it and to see how people react with all the types of genres of gaming. My product will be a Portfolio which includes:
o   Types of games there are
o   Personalities that are most common in teenage gamers
o   The summary of the book that I read
o   Suggestions of games based on the personality the individual has
o   And the summary of the game to help my audience choose a video game that suits them.
o   NOTE: there will be more added things to my portfolio as the progression of my project come to an end.

By the end of this I believe that my project will be viable because I am passionate about the topic of games and entertainment. I also think his will work because research will be done correctly, efficient and frequently, also because I believe in myself and my capability if completing my project.

Works Cited 

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